Justice & Peace and Green Group

The Sacred Heart Justice & Peace and Green Group believe that the practice of social justice, charity and the care of the environment are integral to our life as Catholic Christians. Our mission is to serve as a catalyst to empower our parish as the People of God to fulfil Jesus’ teachings of love, justice, freedom and peace by continually responding to societal and individual human needs at both local and global level.

The group meets on the last Tuesday of the month (except July and December) at 6.30pm. Our aim is to work together and with parishioners to promote the social teaching of the church and stewardship of the earth.

Our main areas of activity are:

  • Running a Fairtrade Stall before and after each Masses on the 2nd weekend of each month from October through to June.

  • Holding an event to highlight Fairtrade Fortnight each February/March.

  • Supporting SCIAF by buying Real Gifts with the 5% commission we make from the stall and promoting their work.

  • Showing films on the themes of social justice and the environment.

  • Supporting refugees through events and fundraisers and liaising with Edinburgh Churches for Sanctuary.

  • Praying for peace by offering an hour of quiet prayer, meditation and music in Advent.

  • Marking Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27th of January each year.

We are members of Ecocongregation Scotland.

If you would like to find out more about the group please contact Andrew Cassidy (Pastoral Associate) on 0131 229 9821.